Nike Opens Stanton Street Courts by Kaws

Nike’s deep roots in New York City are represented in its latest campaign: New York Made.

Nike’s deep roots in New York City are represented in its latest campaign: New York Made. Made possible through partnership the New York City Parks and Recreation Dept., Nike’s commitment to the city and its community is at heart of the program, which kicks-off through the opening of the New York Made: Stanton Street Courts by Kaws.



Designed by Brooklyn-based, world-renowned artist Brian Donnelly, the court embodies Nike’s drive to elevate sport, culture and community through innovative collaborations.



Kaws first moved to Manhattan in 1996, and lived on the corner of Clinton and Stanton Street. His familiarity with the park and its neighborhood is thus extremely personal. ““The courts that we painted, I used to pass everyday,” he remembers. “I worked over in Soho, so I’d walk through…when I wasn’t taking Houston, I’d go through that park.”

The New York Made: Stanton Street Courts by Kaws is located at Sara D. Roosevelt Park in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.


Source: Nike

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