Photography Of The Future | The Light L16

In this day an age technology has provided us with some incredible gadgets to make our lives easier. We all like taking photos with our trusty smartphones because its convenient and gets rid of the need for a camera that functions just as a camera. However, for photographers that love taking photos with their DLSR but hate the extra baggage, the company Light has created the Light L16 and it will blow your mind. Light, claims that this tiny little camera comes packed with the bells and whistles of a DSLR, zoom, and 3 fast prime lenses which conveniently fits into your pocket.

The L16 has 16 individual cameras with 10 firing simultaneously to capture a stunning photo with a quality photo with up to 52 megapixel resolution. Light has also included built in WiFi so photographers are able to share on the go whether they are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean or exploring the deserts of Egypt truly making it the photography of the future.

Right now Light is currently taking pre-orders for the L16 at special launch price of $1,299 for a limited time.

Learn more about the Light L16.

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